Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The Limited Views...

Assalamualaikum.. How are you, all readers of this blog? I hope ALLAH SWT gives us his rahmat to us when reading our blog posts.

Alright, now I want to write about the limit of a man/women to see each other when they are engaged.

Before that, we must clear that, what is engagement is?


Engagement is when a man asks a women to marry her. AS SERIOUSLY

Ok, when we clear in here, I want to talk about the limits of a fiance to his/her fiance.

It's a custom in our community (especially in Malaysia), after a engagement ceremony, the fiances will be together, always be in couple, can hold each other hands, etc.. They say that the action gives them the opportunity to know each other and knowing their habits and virtues(akhlak)


In Couple with their fiance is forbidden in Islam because they did'nt have a connection or in arabic, NOT MUHRIM/MAHRAM.

When I looked in our society nowdays, many have couple or we can call it Boyfriend or Girlfriend. They freely express their "love" in public such as holding hands, sitting together in a lonely place, smooching, etc.. 

Astaghfirullah hal azim... 

As a Muslim, we cannot simply follow the custom of the Westerners that we see in our television and IT gadgets... We have a manual for life that is the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of Rasullulah S.A.W.. We must follow it to success in our life... 

Rasullulah S.A.W said that,  A male and female are forbidden to do seclusion (sitting alone together in a lonely place) excluding when their mahram is with them " ( Recorded by al-Bukhaari , 4935 ; Muslim , no.1341 )

 This status will change when the akad nikah (wedding proclamation) with the women's father.

When the witness say the akad is legal, that is the moment that they can touch each other freely because it is legal in Islam. BUT, with that, the husband is responsible for all of the doings of his wife. The husband must lead his wife and his family to doing good values and doing the Islamic teachings (such as solat, fasting , respecting others etc..) 

So, think about it, do you want to add rewards from ALLAH because of your marriage or gaining sins when you go couple? 

References: Rahsia Aurat Sempurna,Fathullah Al Haq Muhammad Asni,Karangkraf

Watch these videos, it can help you to understand my entry. 

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