Monday, 7 December 2015

New Writer, Insha Allah with better akhlak after reading our Blog!

My name is Mohammad Ozaniezie bin Onasis or you can call me Ozz,

Alhamdulilah, This is my first writing in this blog after my sahabat, Ize Faiz a.k.a Tentera Semut invited me to liven up this blog..hahah


In this input, I want to share you all about friends and companions or as we call it in Bahasa Melayu, "Rakan dan Sahabat"

In Islam, Prophet Muhammad pbuh. said, "A person is known by his friends , so beware / be wise in choosing a companion . " ( Narrated by Ahmad )

He said again " Keeping in touch with the righteous and the wicked exactly like befriends with the distributor of perfumes and blacksmith ( who blew embers ) . A Perfume distributor whether it gives you some or you buy perfume from him or at least you get the smell. While the blacksmith is whether it led to burning your clothes or you get a musty smell . " (Reported by Abu Daud )

So, from the hadiths from our beloved prophet that I can conclude is we must find a companion that can lead us to ALLAH's rahmat in this dunia and hereafter..

So, I will leave you with a video from Ustaz Abdullah Khairi that includes about our topic now...


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